We have tried to answer the most common questions we receive. If you have additional questions please don’t hesitate to call or email us!
How should I prepare for a screening?
You need to fast 7 hrs. prior to your scheduled appointment. You may drink black coffee or tea with no sweeteners or creamers. Please DO drink plenty of water. Eating affects screening accuracy and may obscure organs! For diabetics on medication; please consume no fat or dairy for 8 hrs. when fasting is impossible.
How long does the screening process take?
Plan for 45 minutes to one hour.
Does the screening process hurt?
The screening process is harmless and non-invasive.
What do services cost?
Can I bring a partner or a loved one?
Yes, another person is welcome as long as you are comfortable with their presence.
Can I contact you to discuss my scan?
Yes, you may email or call up to 1 months after your most recent scan. We suggest a scan every 4 months, to ensure accurate and optimal wellness. Because wellness and the body fluctuates, we do not have current information to discuss your scan after that period of time. http://highfrequencyliving.us/contact/
Do you travel?
Yes, we do destination scans. Click this link for more information: http://highfrequencyliving.us/destination-scans/
Why is ultrasound a good option for children’s wellness support?
The loss of a child to unseen illness is one of the worst tragedies a family can face, each death means the loss of an entire lifetime and survivors face serious medical complications, cognitive impairments and shortened lifespan. With prices for vascular and organ screenings now being affordable, wellness screenings should be a part of you and your children’s future.
What are the benefits of ultrasound?
High Frequency Living offers simple, painless and radiation-free ultrasound screenings that SAVE LIVES.
ARE YOU AT RISK FOR A HEART DISEASE, STROKE OR ARTERIAL DISEASE? If you have a family history of these wellness concerns then you need to be taking your own wellness seriously by scheduling your own wellness screen today!
Hundreds of thousands of people die each year due to strokes, sudden heart attack and other deadly diseases. Many of these people (35-40%), showed no symptoms and never knew they were at risk. Our screening promotes early detection & proactive lifestyle changes. By actually seeing your cholesterol, measuring your organs and looking at all organs and blood flow, you will get a realistic view of where you stand. Seeing is believing! This is one situation where out of sight out of mind can be life altering or deadly.
Thought Provoking Statistics
Cardiovascular Disease: (CVD) is the greatest health risk facing people today. It is the number 1 killer in the United States for both men and women. Stroke, is called the silent killer with 80% of strokes being preventable. Each year there are 800,000 stroke occurrences with approx 144,000 proving fatal. Women are 10 times more likely to die from heart attacks than from breast cancer.
Diabetes/Pancreas: Diabetes is number seven in the top 10 causes of death in the United States. This is when your pancreas is no longer able to control your blood glucose, leading to abnormally high levels of glucose in the blood. Long term this causes damage to your bodies tissues, nerves, blood vessels and tissues in the eyes. One piece of the full body scan is to look at the pancreas for signs of abnormalities.
Kidney: Kidney disease is number 9 in the top 10 causes of death in the United States. This is when the kidneys get damaged and cannot properly filter blood. Waste from the blood remains in the body and can cause other health problems. One piece of the full body scan is to look at the kidneys for signs of abnormalities.
Liver: Recent data suggests that non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in (NAFLD) is the most common type of liver disease in the United States. NAFLD is when excess fat accumulates in the liver. One piece of the full body scan is to look at the liver for signs of abnormalities.